Why are we dedicated to experiential education? Because experience is what stays with students for a lifetime. When students run in the ancient stadium of Olympia or discuss Plato in the Athenian Agora, the ancient world comes to life and the ideas of the past become real and relevant.
Arete Adventures | 5710 Link Ave. Austin, TX 78752 | 214-493-3027 | Info@AreteAdventures.org
It's one thing to learn about the Parthenon in a text book.
It's an entirely different thing to hike the steps of the Acropolis and stand in its shadow.
Arete Adventures is about the experience that cannot be found in the classroom.
Unmatched academic experience
From Plato to Pericles, from Olympia to the Olympians, Arete Adventures will provide your students with the best educational experience available in Greece. By delving directly into primary texts as we explore the sites, your students will ask and answer the questions that the Ancient Greeks dealt with over 2,000 years ago.
We will personally lead your students through The Iliad in Mycenae and Thyucidides on the Pnyx, trace the development of sculpture in the great marbles and bronzes, examine military history at Marathon, discuss philosophy in the Athenian Agora where the first philosophers taught, study the architectural nuances of the Parthenon, and rediscover the Greek gods at the Oracle of Delphi.
No other country in the world has had as great an impact as Greece, and at Arete Adventures we will lead your students through the land where Western Civilization began.